Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Apartment

OK so Tuesday I got the key's to my new apartment...Isnt that Kool!!!

So I got some stuff moved in and I was all Gung HO about spending the night there.....I was there for an hour and a half all alone..and I started Crying..I was scared :( Gawsh I'm an idiot.... So I called my sister crying about how I dont like being alone (yes i'm a wuss thank you to that person that so nicely pointed that out). So I drove back to my sisters house and walked into see my sister and her fiancee holding down my cat and both of them freaking out as the cat had a bad infection seeping out of his right "shoulder." So I Rushed him off to the emergency vet...I was there until two thirty in the morning. So I get my baby boy home...with a bunch of antibiotics and cuddle with him a little bit and fall dead asleep...Only to be awakened by my sister at five am.... So I got up..Gave the kitten his antibiotics again and then got ready for work. I went to work looking like a psycho lol...not enough sleep will do that to me..

So Harley is doing a lot better but still limping really bad....

Back to the apartment.....

Last night I went back and made it a lot more comfy....And was so tired from the night before that I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. Then thanks to a friend...I was more comfortable staying there.... so in is getting good...and I had my first visitor last night so I kinda felt kool lol...Finally my own place with no one to answer too......
