For the last few months I have been looking for a new job. The company I work for is awesome in so many ways, but many of the changes I am unhappy about. I want to be able to succeed, and yet I do not want to have to drive 50 plus miles each way. I spend ten hours at work add three hours a day for drive time and I'm exhausted before I get home. I am grumpy and whiney and frankly not very nice.
Now... I am in the running for a position with a cool company that would give me the opportunity to succeed, work from home and get soem traveling too. Travelling would be awesome. Being able to go away and know what I get to go back to would be interesting. I have also been looking forward to this job and I dont even know if I am going to be getting it. I will find out on or before the 8th. So anyone reading this, please pray for me like crazy!! I'm
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