Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time to really start praying

I am officially 20 weeks along already. And i'm starting to have immense fears.
I had to go to the doctor last friday. And found both good and bad news. The baby is doing fine. I on the other hand..not so good. Right now my cervex is extemly short and this can be a huge precursor to premature labor. So I am on strict "pelvic" rest. Not a huge deal honestly but it's scary when it comes to thinking that this can lead to this baby coming way too soon. I do not want to lose this child that I prayed for, for so long. Now I have to be so careful. And then add to the fact that I will have also having a problem with my blood pressure. I cannot continue to stress. but how do you just "don't stress" like everyone tells me! Argh.. I definately need to figure out something. I cannot do the whole bed rest thing. I have a husband and kids to provide for. It's not like their biological mother is going to be putting forth a darn penny for their care.

I need a vacation....


Anonymous said...

.... best of luck!...


Tanya Siekman said...

Sending prayers your way! I know it's hard to do bedrest, (been there). Hang in there and do exactly what the Doctor says and keep that precious little one in there, and let me know how you are doing.
