My twin sister just found out last Thursday that she has lost her job. She was a manager at a book store and had been there for two years. They just came to her and said..Goodbye. What do you say to that? My sister is lucky though. She has a husband that owns his own business and he will be able to pay for the things the family needs. She will do fine with just her unemployment until she find another job.
This takes a toll on me too however. I used to stop by her work for lunch and we would enjoy a nice meal and now that's going to stop. We used to be able to go shopping (me normally window shopping her actually shopping) and that's going to stop. There is no more shopping going to happen.
I want my sister to be happy and she was not happy with the company she was working for. But it's still scary for her. and her family so for those out there that are able too. Please say a prayer that she is able to find a good job that is family friendly for her and her family.